Don't Miss Out on Best Vintage- Buy Life Magazine November 12, 1945 – Lamoree’s Vintage
Life Magazine November 12, 1945 - Lamoree’s Vintage
Life Magazine November 12, 1945 - Lamoree’s Vintage
Life Magazine November 12, 1945 - Lamoree’s Vintage
Life Magazine November 12, 1945 - Lamoree’s Vintage
Life Magazine November 12, 1945 - Lamoree’s Vintage
Life Magazine November 12, 1945 - Lamoree’s Vintage

Life Magazine November 12, 1945

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Ingrid Bergman's year; Frank Sinatra in "Gary"; and also tries to shake accusations of racism;  War Crimes Trials; Hattie Carnegie, legendary designer; dirty hockey. Revolts in Java, war crimes trials, advances in hospital beds, Yale prodigy,  photo essay on the Mohawk River Valley in New York State.

Ads include Ipana tooth paste ad with actress Francine Counihan and kids Bobby and Lynn, Capehart ad with "Folly and Fiesta" by artist Julio de Diego; Ford; Dodge trucks ad with excavating contractors truck; Pepsodent tooth paste ad with art by Al Moore. 

This issue has 144 pages, small address label on back cover. 

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